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We've been where you are

Founders, former CPOs, Heads of Products, and Design Leads in major corporations. Driven by our wealth of experience, we created a transformative solution—an AI co-pilot for accelerating product growth through hypotheses management.

Through Pleadсop's capabilities, product teams can boost their efficiency.


Our vision is simple

Launched products


People reached through all the products that we led


Hours as guest lectors


Countries where we have launched products


Free Tools You Can Start to Use Right Now


Product Health Assessment by AI

Complete the survey. Get benchmark comparisons, AI-identified bottlenecks, and actionable recommendations.

Try Now (no sign-up)


Unit Economics Calculator

Identify potential challenges for product scaling through single-unit deal analysis.

Get Start (no sign-up)

We've been where
you are

Founders, former CPOs, Heads of Products,
and Design Leads in major corporations.
Driven by our wealth of experience, we
created a transformative solution—an AI co
pilot for accelerating product growth through
hypotheses management.

our team experience


Launched products


Hours as guest lectors


People reached through all the products that we led


Countries where we have launched products

Our vision is simple

Through Pleadсop's capabilities, product teams can boost their efficiency.

Free Tools You Can
Start to Use Right Now

Product Health Assessment by AI

Complete the survey. Get benchmark comparisons, AI-identified bottlenecks, and actionable recommendations.

Try Now (no sign-up)

Unit Economics Calculator

Identify potential challenges for product scaling through single-unit deal analysis.

Get Start (no sign-up)